Macks Soft Foam Earplugs | Snore Blockers

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Searching for a way to enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep? Macks Snore Blockers Soft Foam Earplugs might be just the solution you need!

Macks soft foam earplugs have been a favourite of many people longing for a peaceful sleep. They are made from soft foam and are designed to block out noise, making them ideal for use if you’re trying to sleep next to someone who snores.

A broken night of sleep can be just as harmful to our body as having “no sleep”. But with Macks Snore Blockers, you can finally get the rest you need and wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested.

Try out Macks Snore Blockers today and say goodbye to sleepless nights!

Best Earplugs for Snoring

Did you know… Approximately 45% of the population snore! Eeek! 25% are habitual snorers who keep their partners awake on a regular basis. No wonder so many people are so tired all the time these days!

So… you’re not alone… Macks soft foam earplugs

Young beautiful woman lying in bed suffering with insomnia covering head and ears with pillow Macks soft foam earplugs

I Can’t Sleep!

We are constantly seeing articles pop up in our news feed, on TV, in brochures, and on the back of buses about sleep, or should I say, the lack of and the dire effects that it is having daily on the Australian population.

I recently read an article in ABC News titled “We’re not sleeping enough, and it’s literally killing us”. It went on to say that “We all know that when we don’t sleep enough, the following day will be painful.”

“But alarming new research confirms that’s not where the repercussions end. We don’t sleep enough. Our doctors tell us this, assorted lifestyle gurus tell us this, and our bodies tell us this every time we wake up feeling like our heads have been gently bludgeoned with a fence paling.”

In the same article Dr Ben Carson goes on to say “But instead of heeding the message and retreating to slumber land, with earplugs, eye masks and a soothing recording, we struggle on.”

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Lady Sleeping with Macks soft foam earplugs

You deserve a good night of sleep!

Macks Snore Blockers Soft Foam Earplugs have been a favourite of many people longing for a peaceful sleep.

Noise is one of the main offenders when it comes to not being able to sleep. Anyone who has ever experienced sleeping next to someone who snores knows how much it impacts our sleep, often causing insomnia and or a broken night of sleep.

A broken night of sleep can be just as harmful to our body as having “no sleep”.

Sleep scientist Dr. Carmel Harrington, recently commissioned by the well-known IBIS hotel corporation states that “Sleep is a time when all the systems of our body, including our brain, have the chance to rest and repair and without this our biological systems and our mood state suffer. “

Snore Blockers Macks soft foam earplugs

A Solution is Here!

Macks soft foam earplugs block sound from:

  • Snoring Partners
  • Roommates
  • Fishing Buddies
  • Travel Mates

Noise Reduction Rating: 32dB

Quality and Comfort

Macks Snore Blockers Soft Foam Earplugs are renowned for their extreme comfort and noise blocking capability.

  • COMFORTABLE – Can comfortably wear them all night/day long
  • HYPOALLERGENIC – No nasty chemicals or ingredients that will irritate your ears

Unlike many inferior Chinese hearing protection products that you will find on the market, our ever-popular Macks soft foam earplugs are made in Sweden, with strict quality control.

Macks continue year after year to maintain the excellence in their products and choose to use only the best of non-allergenic materials.

Macks Snore Blockers Soft Foam Earplugs 12 pair will be sure to help you achieve a much-needed good night of sleep.

The super soft foam of these earplugs are perfect for times when they may be needed to be worn for extended periods. They have been specifically designed with a unique hollow end, perfect for sleeping so that when you roll around the foam cushions softly to the ear canal.

Macks Snore Blockers Soft Foam Bulk Ear Plugs - 100 pair Tub

Available also in 100 Pair Tubs

Perfect for workplaces when you want an optimal noise-blocking earplug. Buy Macks soft foam earplugs today!

Macks Snore Blockers Soft Foam Earplugs - 100 pair Tub


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