Macks Soft Silicone Kids Earplugs

(3 customer reviews)


Kids earplugs are a great way to block noise and water from your little ones ears.  They are made from soft, comfortable mouldable silicone putty so they fit to the shape of any baby, toddlers or kids ears.

They also help to protect your child’s hearing while swimming or sleeping in noisy environments. Sleep and Sound earplugs are designed to give you the best protection for your child’s ears without compromising comfort.


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Soft silicone kids earplugs are specially made for swimming, bathing, and water activities for those prone to ear infections or individuals who have had grommets fitted.

Children can benefit greatly from not only using ear plugs for hearing protection but also for swimming.

The ultimate in earplug comfort, Mack’s silicone putty moulds to the unique contours of any ear. All Mack’s Pillow Soft silicone putty earplugs are doctor recommended.

Mack's Soft Silicone Putty Children's Waterproof Ear Plugs - Kids Size - 6 Pair

The First-Ever Invented Mouldable Pure Silicone Ear Plug!

Macks Pillow Soft was the first-ever mouldable pure silicone earplug, invented in 1962 and still the world’s number selling mouldable earplug today, over 55 years later!! The earplugs were valued by swimmers, as well as those trying to avoid harmful noise, for their waterproof qualities.

The Number 1 Selling SOFT Silicone Kids Ear Plugs

Children benefit from these best selling earplugs on a daily basis, not only using ear plugs for hearing protection but also for swimming.

Ear Infections & Grommets

Macks Soft Silicone ear plugs have been specially designed for swimming, bathing and water sports for anyone prone to ear infections or people who have been fitted with grommets.


All Mack’s Pillow Soft Silicone Putty Earplugs are Doctor Recommended to:

  • 100% WATERPROOF – Seal out Water
  • GROMMETS – Great for Children with Grommets
  • EAR INFECTION – Help Prevent ear infections including Swimmer’s Ear and Surfer’s Ear
  • SURGERY AFTERCARE – Provide Protection following recent Ear Surgery – Safe for use with ear tubes
  • TRAVEL EARPLUGS – Help Provide Comfort from Ear Pain when Flying/Travelling
  • NOISE BLOCKING HEARING PROTECTION – Protect little Ears & Hearing Protection from Damaging Noise such as Fireworks, Monster Trucks, Motor Racing Events, Movie Cinema, Theme Parks etc
  • HYPOALLERGENIC – Provide Hypoallergenic & Non-Toxic Protection for your Little One’s Ears
  • STILL AUDIBLE – Children can still easily hear instruction from Parents & Teachers
  • CONCENTRATION – Help Children Concentrate & Focus
  • SENSORY ISSUES – Provide Calm for Children with Autism and Hearing Sensitivity
  • ADULTS – Perfect for adults with smaller ears
  • COMFORTABLE – The ultimate in earplug comfort, Mack’s® silicone putty moulds to the unique contours of any ear and provides a better, more comfortable fit and seal than custom ear plugs
  • DR RECOMMENDED – #1 Doctor Recommended Brand to help prevent swimmer’s ear infections
  • SAFE – Mack’s® are larger and safer than other kid’s size earplugs
  • BRIGHT COLOUR – Fun for Kids and Easy for Parents & Swim Instructors to see.
  • ECONOMICAL – 6 Pairs
  • QUALITY – Made in U.S.A – Don’t risk purchasing inferior quality products! Macks Quality Ear Plugs are manufactured using only hospital grade soft silicone materials. 
  • FREE – Handy Storage Case Included in Each Pack

The Original Children’s Earplug!

Perfect for little ears, these kids earplugs are the ultimate in earplug comfort, Mack’s® silicone putty moulds to the unique contours of any ear.

Dual Purpose Earplugs

Quality earplugs designed for babies and children to effectively keep out water and protect their little ears from harmful noise. 

Larger and Safer than any Other Kid Size Earplugs on the market.

Mack's Soft Silicone Putty Children's Waterproof Ear Plugs - Kids Size - 6 Pair

Prevent Ear Infection



The ultimate in earplug comfort, Mack’s® silicone putty moulds to the unique contours of any ear.

The PERFECT Solution for KIDS Ear Protection:

  • Swimming Schools
  • Aquatic Centres
  • Schools
  • Surf Clubs
  • Retail Surf Shops
  • Retail Pool Shops

#1 Selling Children’s Silicone Ear Plugs

Made in U.S.A (rest assured safety is our first priority with all of our ear plugs. Made with quality materials that are non-toxic & hypoallergenic – unlike many Asian branded ear plugs)

All Mack’s®Pillow Soft® Water Proof Silicone Putty Ear Plugs are Recommended by Doctors to;

  • Seal out Water
  • Help Prevent Ear Infections including Swimmer’s Ear & Surfers Ear
  • Provide Protection After Ear Surgery
  • Help Relieve Flying Discomfort
  • Protect Hearing from Loud Noises
  • Provide Hypoallergenic, Non-Toxic Protection 
Mack’s® are larger and safer than other children’s size ear plugs on the market.

FREE Temporary Tattoo with Every Kids Earplugs 6 Pair Pack

What Customers have to say about Children’s Pillow Soft Ear Plugs:

“Great price, effective kids earplugs. My 8 yr old daughter had tubes put in her ears last summer and these earplugs work great at keeping water out of her ears while swimming or bathing.” Cindy 

  • AFFORDABLE – WOW, they are less than $1.50 per pair! Jane QLD 
  • NO 1 SELLER We feel confident having these quality Ear Plugs on our counter for all the kids who enter our swim school, parents love them!  Dave VIC
  • WATERPROOF They provide a much better seal than other ear plugs we have tried
  • EASY TO INSERT They are easy to insert and remove
  • BRIGHT COLOUR They love the Bright colour which is is fun for the kids & means they’re easy for parents & swimming teachers to see
  • AUDIBLE Children can still easily hear instruction from swim teachers
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