Don’t wait until it’s too late – protect your ears from prolonged exposure to sounds over 85dB today! For adults looking for a reliable way to block out high-volume noises, our Earsaver noise cancelling earmuffs are a perfect choice.
With this product, you can safeguard yourself against unwanted sound and prevent future problems related to hearing damage and impairments. Whether for work or pleasure, these powerful earmuffs provide the ultimate protection from loud noise, granting you peace of mind that your hearing is protected and secure.
Crafted from only the highest quality materials, Earsavers offer advanced noise cancellation capabilities – making them ideal for use in noisy workplace environments such as areas near airports or in music recording studios. The rubberised surface cups provide a luxurious and comfortable touch, ensuring extended wear without discomfort. Get ready to say goodbye to worry and hello to silence with clarity using our Earsaver
noise cancelling earmuffs today!
When is Noise too Loud?
With modern life getting progressively noisier, it is important to know when noise levels become dangerous and start to damage our hearing. Most people know that loud sounds like gunfire or a jet launch can cause permanent harm quite quickly. However, many are unaware that noises we are commonly exposed to in everyday life, such as lawn mowing or an electric drill, can cause damage just as swiftly.
Sounds of about 60 decibels (dB), like a common conversation, are not damaging to our hearing. However anything above 80dB – such as a household lawn mower or leaf blower – can result in hearing damage over time and wearing ear protection is strongly advised.
Taking the necessary precautions should help keep you safe from long-term hearing loss despite living in a noisy world.
How do you know how long you can be around noise before it’s too late? The louder the sound, the shorter the time it takes for permanent hearing damage to occur. Some noises, such as fireworks, gunfire and a jet taking off (within 30 m) can cause immediate irreparable damage to your hearing.
Did you know that even mowing the lawns at the weekend can put your hearing at jeopardy? The common household lawn mower, leaf blower and chain saws can range from a whopping 90-115 decibels. An electric drill can reach tops of 95dB, with hammer drills hitting a screaming 100 dB.
Who would have thought that your favourite sports game could be a danger to your hearing? Sports crowds are right up there with concerts and loud symphonies, averaging an ear-piercing 120-130dB loud environment will put you at risk.
Earsavers High Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)
Earsaver noise cancelling earmuffs are the perfect protection for loud environments. With a 25 dB noise reduction rating, Earsavers earmuffs can reduce the amount of noise that you hear significantly and make it more comfortable to live and work in any environment, whether it’s a noisy factory or a busy construction site.
They use high-grade foam to provide unparalleled soundproofing technology and comfort for your ears. With their soft and lightweight design, Earsavers earmuffs are the perfect choice for a variety of applications. Get them now and see what true noise reduction and comfort are truly like!
What is that Annoying Sound in my Ears?
Can you recall a time when you have left a loud venue, like a footy game or a nightclub, and found that you can’t hear as well as you normally can? Ever had buzzing, ringing or whistling in your head or ears? This is tinnitus. Tinnitus occurs when sound vibrations damage the minute hair cells in the ear.
Tinnitus is not a condition so much but a symptom, a telltale sign of hearing loss. That annoying ringing or buzzing can often go away. Sometimes recovery can happen overnight, sometimes it can take a good couple of days.
But nevertheless, the little cells inside your ear have taken a beating and have been damaged to some extent. Repeated exposure to loud noise, will lead to permanent damage if you do not protect your ears.
Noise Cancelling Earmuffs for Autism
Earsaver Noise Cancelling Earmuffs are the perfect tool to help block out unwanted noise from crowds, music, sports events, motor racing, airports, or any other sound trigger.
Noise-cancelling earmuffs help people cope with hyperactive auditory stimuli and sensory processing disorders, a common concern for those with autistic spectrum, disorder.
You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Till It’s Gone!
Like all of your senses, you need to protect them as best you can. After all, your ears are the only ones you’ll ever have. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that they are worth protecting!